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rush premium.webp

Rush comes with a custom sculpted Time Machine ball lock, and a multi scoop subway ball lock post system. The right ramp on the playfield has a custom engraved / illuminated Rush logo. 3 flippers, 3 pop bumpers, 2 slingshots, 1 scoop.

Song list:

Headlong Flight, Far Cry, One Little Victory, Working Man, 2112, Tom Sawyer, The Spirit of Radio, Freewill, The Voyage, Hemispheres, The Big Money, Subdivisions, Limelight, Fly By Night, La Villa Strangiato, Bastille Day, and Red Barchetta

Press that start button and start the game! You will be taken back in time with the time machine and get ready to feel the excitement. You'll tour with Rush while listening to the songs listed above.  

The Rush 'Premium' also includes: 

3 flippers, 3 pop bumpers, 2 slingshots 

8 standup targets, 6 balls, 2 scoops

3-bank drop targets, 1 spinning target, 1 kick-out hole

1 ramp diverter, 1 rollunder, 1 vertical up kicker 

Magnetic time machine. Clockwork Angel clock

'Dead End' vertical up kicker that feeds an additional wireform ramp

Double-up post ball lock mechanism, located behind 3 drop targets

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